“Make the Habit..... Habit will Make You” 06.07.21
Greetings from Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, organizes a webinar on
“Make the Habit..... Habit will Make You”, on 06th July 2021, at 03.00 PM.
Mode of session: Google Meet
Registration link:
Resource Person:
Dr. Regunath Parakkal
Former Prime Minister and Chief Minister Awardee.
Professor, Consultant-Counselling (Psychology), Palakkad, Kerala.
Honorable Advisor, SPAA , India.
Professor, Virtual University for University Relations, Benin, West Africa.
Fellow of ITOL, Govt. of United Kingdom.
Join the telegram group using below link for future communication
WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KT0sMhlay4k1HlOCoA7lPi
All students, research scholars and faculty members can attend.
All participants will be given an E-Certificate after the successful completion of the webinar.
The webinar link will be sent to the registered participants before the commencement of the session.
No Registration Fee
With Regards,
Chief Convener
Dr. G. Rajendra,
Principal, Dr.AIT, Bengaluru.
Dean(A), Professor and HEAD, Dept. of CSE, Dr.AIT, Bengaluru.
Chief Coordinator
Dr.Ramesh S,
Professor and HEAD, Dept. of ECE, Dr.AIT, Bengaluru
Ms Shwetha N, Assistant Professor,
Mob – 9663207843
Dr. Shilpa K C,
Assistant Professor,
Mob – 9591915533
Mrs. Sangeetha N,
Assistant Professor,
Mob - 9945444117
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